What Is the Best Environment for Betta Fish?

Oct 22nd 2021

What Is the Best Environment for Betta Fish?

What Is the Best Environment for Betta Fish?

FishTanksDirect on Oct 22nd 2021

Betta fish are popular due to their vibrant colors and engaging personalities. While bettas have a reputation for being simple to care for, there’s a lot you can do to make their surroundings more comfortable. What is the best environment for betta fish? Read on to find out.

Their Original Habitats Are Tropical

Betta fish are native to southeast Asia, where water temperatures typically hover around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Bettas are anabantids, which means they have a unique organ called the labyrinth that allows them to breathe oxygenated air. That explains why they can survive in low-oxygen environments such as shallow streams, rice paddies, drains, and giant puddles. They can also live in smaller bowls.

They Prefer Warm Water

Bettas like warm water between 75 and 82°F and will die if exposed to temps below 65 degrees. When exposed to cool temperatures for lengthy periods, their immune systems weaken and they become more susceptible to disease.

You should place them in warmer areas of your home, but the best environment for them will be inside of a heated aquarium. Bettas also enjoy waters that are calm and have a pH balance between 6.8 to 7.5.

Give Them Room To Breathe

Bettas must be able to reach the surface for air to breathe. While the fish are curious and love playing with plants and decorations, make sure they don’t obstruct the top. If you decide to put a live plant in their bowl, you should choose a substrate that will give nutrients to help the plant grow and remain healthy.

Try To Avoid Placing Bettas in the Same Aquarium

Male betta fish can be incredibly aggressive and territorial when you place two or more in the same bowl. You will need to keep each male betta in a separate tank and avoid putting a male and female together unless under supervision for mating. However, you can place females together in the same bowl, but you should avoid putting more than four to six together.

How To Tell if Your Betta Is Happy

A thriving betta will be brightly colored, have a good appetite, and move around and interact with their surroundings. A lethargic, sedentary betta with a low desire for food or activity or ragged fins means that something is amiss in the aquarium.

To summarize what the best environment for betta fish is, it’s a tank, preferably heated, that stays warm and gives plenty of room for them to reach the surface. Fish Tanks Direct offers hexagon aquariums and hexagon aquarium stands that are the perfect size for betta fish and stand out in any room. Feel free to contact us with any questions about our products.