Plumbing Supplies

Plumbing Supplies

Aquarium Plumbing Supplies

Getting the right aquarium plumbing supplies together is important for connecting your display tank to your reef sump or water filtration system. Fish Tanks Direct has all the tubing, small parts, and connections you'll need to get your system up and running. You’ll also find both soft and hard aquarium plumbing supplies to best accommodate your preferences. Soft plumbing is a network consisting of flexible vinyl tubing, clamps, and barbed fittings, whereas hard plumbing is made up of PVC pipes. When these systems come together, you’ll have maximum control over your sump and filtration inside the aquarium. With a little bit of preparationcombined with the high-quality components we have availableyou’ll be able to design and execute a perfect personal setup.

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Plumbing Supplies @ Fish Tanks Direct

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