ZooMed Can O' Cyclops

ZooMed Can O' Cyclops

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Best food for all small size aquarium fish!

Feeding Instructions:
Cyclops are a small species of Copepod that are the preferred food of fry and fish with small mouths. Feed daily or more often as needed. Adjust the amount given based on the number of fish being fed and how much can be eaten in a 5 minute period. Promptly remove any uneaten food. Refrigerate after opening and use within one week or freeze.

Additional Information:

  • Fresh Cyclops are "cooked in the can" to lock in nutrients.
  • Excellent for fry and small aquarium fish including Tetras, Barbs, Guppies, Danios, Bettas, Killifish, etc.
  • Also great for small marine fish, invertebrates (including corals) and nano shrimp.