Brightwell ReefBlizzard Fish / LPS Coral / Anemone Soft Pellet Food 50g

Brightwell ReefBlizzard Fish / LPS Coral / Anemone Soft Pellet Food 50g

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Xtreme Color + Growth Formula, Soft Sinking Pellet For Large Polyp Stonies, All Anemones, Polyps, Marine Fish and Shrimp


  • Soft sinking pellet, beneficial to LPS Corals (Acanthastrea, Micromussa, Scolymia, Cataphyllia, Euphyllia, Duncans, Open Brains) large polyps, both solitary and colony types and all types of Anemones. Also loved by many marine fish and marine shrimp!
  • Bio pigment rich pellet with Astaxanthin for true deep reds and oranges
  • Provides marine planktonic and other rich marine proteins, essential marine oils and elements utilized in formation of aragonite.
  • Simple to use. Easy target feeding of individual polyps. The pellet sinks, so it will drop on the polyp or anemone you release it over.